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Hey there, mama!
I’m Rachel, a long-time, multi-hyphenate, passionate, creative entrepreneur — and, most importantly, a mom. No matter how long my resume gets, the thing I’ll always list at the top is my two treasured children. That’s an honor and a responsibility I tout with pride.
But being a mom doesn’t mean I don’t get to yearn for academic or financial success. Motherhood doesn’t inhibit me from desiring my own creative development or having ambition in my career.
In today’s world of economic hardship and curated feeds of influencers “living the dream,” stay-at-home mamas feel burdened by the guilt of wanting more when they’re already blessed with so much. I’m here to tell you that you CAN have a successful creative business that contributes to your family’s income and still lead your family as the pinnacle of compassion and care that you are. You don’t have to put a hold on finding yourself and discovering what fuels you until your kids are 18.
One message you’ll find repeated throughout this course is my mantra: Start where you can, with what you have.
I truly believe that an entrepreneur can be built from any situation, any season of life, and any income level. The only requirements are a desire to want more for yourself and the courage to start.
Many of us were raised in the tradition of “one working parent, one stay-at-home parent,” where the stay-at-home parent was usually a mother. If that’s how you were raised, it likely shaped your perspective on your future.
Unfortunately, in today’s economy, we can’t expect the same scenario to always work. The cost of living is higher, but wages and salaries aren’t catching up. Fewer and fewer families are able to get by as single-income households, and if they are fortunate enough to do so, they’re likely living at a lower standard than they were raised at.
If you’re dreaming of a future where you can put your kids in all the summer camps, ease the burden your husband carries to provide for the family, and start saving for retirement in a big way (because it’s no longer a safe bet to rely on government assistance), then starting a creative business could be your golden ticket.
Running a business is a way for you to gain financial literacy through a creative outlet that helps you discover who you are and what your purpose is.
You can add to your family’s income and get to live the life you want to live, filled with family fun and a solid retirement plan, without missing the precious moments that motherhood brings.
Because I’ve come from where you are, building a business off of nothing but ambition and talents I’ve honed into marketable skills, I’ve designed this course not just to teach you how to build a business but to show you how to create sustainable income streams to bless your family, all while continuing to prioritize your role as mom.
This course is comprised of modules within five sections:
Foundations (start smart)
Legal + Money (resist the urge to skip!)
Client Experience (wow + win)
Admin (work smarter, not harder)
Growth (the future is yours)
Each module page includes a link to a video presentation of the material as well as the full script. The content in both the videos and the page text is the same, but because I’m a mom, too, I understand the value of having a choice in how you review these materials.
Feel free to listen while you sweep, meal prep, or wait in parent pick-up OR read and take notes silently while a baby nurses in your arms or a toddler finally lays down to nap — of course — across your legs.