Section Four — admin

module eight: get organized
module nine: outsourcing
module ten: problem-solving


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I’m the type of person who fully believes that making a plan will set you free.

Overwhelmed with everything on your to-do list? Make a list of the few most important tasks you can tackle first, and likely you’ll gain some momentum and keep going.

Struggling to visualize where all the projects you’re juggling are? Create a pipeline that allows you to easily identify each project’s stage at a glance.

Tired of saying the same things over and over again to your team, your clients, and yourself? Write them down for future reference and easy replication.

At the beginning of this course, we outlined a few ways you can organize your personal life, like your home and your family, to get in good shape for your entrepreneurial journey. We talked a little bit about establishing a foundation for your business, but now that you’ve nailed down who you’re targeting with your offerings, and what those offerings look like, we can dive into the nitty gritty — getting organized, outsourcing tasks so you don’t have to wear all the hats anymore, and problem-solving as issues arise.

If you’re not a systems person, brace yourself — you’re about to go through a total mindset transformation as you join the systems movement.

let’s get into it!